Friday 16 November 2012

Favourite Friday Track - Kajagoogoo - Too Shy


Happy Friday everyone!

Ok so some of you may remember this with a certain fondness, some may be cringing and some may be just downright perplexed ....

Kajagoogoo - Too Shy

Released in 1983 from the album White Feathers - it got to No.1 ... I was reminded of 'Too Shy' earlier in the week when a young beauty blogger tweeted about who on earth Limahl was? I explained he was the lead singer of Kajagoogoo - 80's pop band,  she didn't have a clue who I was talking about - why would she ... ?

Yes - I know there are some dubious hairstyles in this video - dare I tell you that I had a slight crush on Limahl back then for a while? Only a slight crush I say because I was also in love with Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) and Danny Zuko (Grease) - and yes we all had super-big hair like the lovely (shy) girl in the video...

Who was your teenage crush...?

Jen x


  1. We are of the same age! I was 12 I think when this reached number one - I loved it, and I remember all my class mates having kittens over Limahl!

  2. Yep I loved it too - glad I wasn't the only one with a soft spot for Limahl! Had no idea he was on 'I'm a Celebrity' believe it or not - just a spooky co-incidence! x


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