Friday 13 July 2012

Favourite Friday Track!!

Morning all!

It's Friday 13th so what could be more fitting than a bit of Superstition written, produced, arranged and performed by the superb Stevie Wonder,  released in 1972  from the Talking Book album.

'Very superstitious, writing's on the wall ...!'

I'm sorry - but this has got to be one of the funkiest tracks of all time!  From the first few bars you want to tap your feet and then as we progress down 'Groove Avenue' there is a dire need to 'shake something' and start 'getting on down'! (remember the dancers on Soul Train?).

Even my youngest brother, who hardly ever gets up to dance had a shuffle goin' on at my wedding reception when this was on!

So have listen to this and  get your 'Friday shuffle' on wherever you are (within reason of course)!

Happy Friday!

Jen x


  1. this is one of my fave songs ever! :D x

  2. Mine too - you just have to get up and groove !! xx

  3. I love that song! Stevie wonder is purely awesome!


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