Saturday 6 October 2012

Make- Up Audit..?


To chuck or not to chuck..that is the question!

I was recently reminded by the lovely 'Beauty Bird' (one of the friendliest bloggers on the block!) in her blog post - Make-Up Health Check, to go through my make-up stash and take some action.  You can check out her blog here.  I honestly can't remember the last time I went through my out of date products.  It's something we really should do on a regular basis but how many of us get round to it?

Guidelines as to expiry periods etc are obviously printed on each product as well as being widely available on the net but do we adhere to them?  I'm rather a guilty party on this front and tend to hang onto things unnecessarily.  Found this interesting article which details your average chuck timetable - When to Toss Out Your Make-Up.

I've therefore rounded up a few products which are way past their best and really need to go to that old make-up party in the sky...

I'm embarrassed to say that I've owned (but not used I hasten to add) the Lancome Highlighter for years! I would use this when going out - especially to nightclubs and haven't done that for quite a while now! Don't ask me why I've hung onto it - ridiculous isn't it? I'm obviously a hoarder.  The rest of the products haven't been used for ages and have either dried up, gone cakey etc or simply just didn't work that well for me so didn't get used up.

I'm clearly a marketer's dream when it comes to make-up, skincare, haircare and tend to try several products at once, mainly with the make-up.  Friends at work that I've discussed this with have either one or two of each on the go, use it up and move onto another.  This has really made me realise I probably buy far too much make-up for the sort of lifestyle I now lead, there's obviously only so much slap a  face can take at any one time! (See I told you - if I get my gigs sorted then I'll use so much more make-up - it's a marriage made in heaven!)

Having said all that whether one is a hoarder or not we should all be trying to follow the usual rules of not sharing make-up (especially eye and lip products), cleaning our make-up brushes regularly to help prevent the spread of bacteria, discarding products that smell funny or that have changed in appearance etc and store with lids on, out of direct sunlight preferably not in a warm humid environment (ie bathroom) etc etc.

So are you a hoarder or a use-up girl?  Do you have regular make-up audits or are there a few skeletons in your make-up closet?

Jen x


  1. Great post! Plus thank you for the mention :-) I do love trying new stuff, but I do try to be sensible and wait til something else is used. That's prob why I can't do those shopping the stash type posts! I suppose it's good for my pocket though! xx

    1. No problem Sasha and thankyou! I really should take a leaf out of your book, obviously I'm not getting any more sensible with old age! xx

  2. Funnily enough I just went through my cabinets and made an embarrassing huge pile of products that I don't use - from shampoos and creams to mascaras ( 3) and lippys! I gave a load to my nieces and a friend if they were useable, but binned some. Sun cream always gets me - who new that ran out so quick!! I did find the channel lipstick I had for my wedding day in my stash - still looked ok 14 years on! LOL Xx Waffling again :0

    1. Do you know what Claire - that's made me feel better knowing that even you have a bit of a redundant stash! I look on you as my ultimate non- hoarder! The sun cream thing really annoys me - wonder if they just put 12 months or whatever on it to make you buy a new one? I would keep the Chanel lipstick as a momento - my wedding lippie was a red Estee Lauder (would be over 15 years old now if I hadn't binned it a few years ago - what was I thinking?). See I can give you a good run for your 'waffle' money! xx

  3. I am a bit (lot) of a hoarder, I do throw away mascara and foundation after a few months but nothing else! Might be time for a clear out!!


    1. I thought about you Jo as I was writing this post and that huge stash of make-up you tweeted some time ago (that didn't even include your nail polish!) - remember? I'm not too bad with throwing mascara but have so many on the go at once that I rarely use it all up to the end. Going to have to limit myself to 3 open at any one time to stop the wastage! xx

  4. You should have kept the nail polish, I love the colour!

  5. It is great isn't it? Will do my utmost to replace it! x

  6. I always feel soooo bad when I throw away out of date products... I don't really follow the guidelines strickly though as most of the times, I'm able to tell when a product should be thrown away!

    1. I know - must make more of an effort to use everything up! :) x

  7. I am trying really hard to be a `use-up' girl, but I'm a born hoarder! like you I am a marketer's dream, ah well :)

  8. Thankyou - am following you back!

  9. I know it's bad isn't it? Wish I was two-faced so I could use my hoard up! :)

  10. Im trying to use up a lot of products at the moment! would you like to follow each other in gfc? let me know!

  11. Me too trying to use up as much as I can! I'm always happy to follow back! :)

  12. Hope you didn't throw any of those beauties out! xx

  13. I'm afraid I had to - some were really dried up and not been used for ages - going to try to use everything up in future! x

  14. Oh my gosh, I really need to do this too, I'm an absolute nightmare for hoarding products until well past their best! I hate throwing away products I've spent good money on and haven't finished, especially if I still use them regularly and they seem fine. But on the other side, there are loads that I don't even really use, but keep anyway, so I suppose those are the ones to bin!
    Mel x

    1. I know, its like I've said - we need more faces for all this make-up ;) I hate throwing things out too so really need to make a conscious effort to use everything! x


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