Friday 26 October 2012

Favourite Friday Track - The Clash - Rock The Casbah


Thank goodness half-term is finally here. Don't know about you lot but I'm ready for a (mini) break! Dragged the hubby to Ikea this morning as he had the day off, so I let him choose today's tune...

The Clash - Rock The Casbah

Released in 1982 from the album Combat Rock - my hubby bought the album from Woolworths when he was on holiday in North Wales as a teenager.  Incidentally this also happens to be my favourite from The Clash and both our kids are also partial so it's a complete family affair!

Apparently he used to do his usual 'slamming' thing to this back then - can't say that I ever did much 'slamming' - in fact don't think many girls did - was more of a boy's move!

Have you ever had a 'slam'? Can you even remember Woolworths?

Jen x


  1. CLASSIC Yep, used to get all my 'records' at good old Woolies :)) x

  2. I know - good old Woollies eh, remember the 'Pop-Ex' singles? - had loads of them as well - still got most of them somewhere! xx

  3. Love, love, love this!!!! So much energy! :o).

  4. Good one isn't it? - not that I have that much energy to match it these days! x


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