Friday 31 May 2013

'Beam Us Up Scotty...!'


Well there's another half term gone by! My hubby had today off work and we'd booked to take the kids to see Star Trek Into Darkness (before we realised it was going to be such a glorious day!). All I can say is 'Into Darkness' did not disappoint - WHAT A MOVIE!!

Hubby and I are huge 'space movie' geeks (having grown up with the original Star Trek series) and we were seriously more excited than the kids.  We'd prepped ourselves suitably a couple of week ago by revisiting the original Star Trek remake.  I was literally enthralled (sat there with my popcorn) and didn't want to come back down to earth (no pun intended!). Can't believe one minute I was on the edge of 'Space...the final frontier...' embroiled in the adventures of Captain Kirk, Spock and co and now I'm at home cooking chilli ...

Here's a trip down memory lane for all you fellow old 'Trekkers' out there ...

Until we meet again my friends...'Blog long and prosper...!'

'Jen out...' x


  1. I agree with you that this film was so amazing! I was definitely an original Trekkie too and i was more excited than the group of lads that i went with!
    Now listening to the theme tune! :) x

    1. Now they've embarked on their five year exploration surely there'll be another film. Want to see it again xx

  2. Ha ha - one of those times when kids come in useful - an excuse to see what you want to see really! Can't believe the week went so quick ! Need another to recover now. x

    1. Definitely Claire! Can't believe this is the last half term before the summer hols - where is the time going? xx

  3. Ha made me chuckle that you were more excited than them! I have never seen any star trek, film or tv!xx

    1. Gaelle - you don't know what you're missing! xx

  4. I'm surprised that the Grumps hasn't tried to whisk me off to see this one yet - he loved the last movie. I'm not a Trekkie nor is the hubby but he is a sic-fi nerd. If I watch one more episode of Star Gate I will scream. Or the original movie. Though I do have a soft spot for James Spader.

    1. Star Gate - we liked the original movie but didn't follow the series (dare I tell you that I can't remember who James Spader is Sue? :)


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