Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Great Hair Dilemma ...!


It's got to that time again where I'm due for my hair cut.  (I have a young friend at work who has the most accommodating hair - she has it cut and coloured approx twice a year and it still looks ok in between  - how is this possible?!)  I have to cut/trim every 8-10 weeks - my hair is so fine the split ends are more apparent and I really can't leave it any longer - it just looks like a proper pigs ear otherwise!  It's reaching down to my shoulders now and true to form all the usual dilemmas have arisen ...

Should I have it lopped off (again)?
Should I have one last blast at growing it and laugh in the face of thinning mid lengths/ends?
Should I have it highlighted (again) or do I go with the semi-permanent I had last time - and if so do I let Phil (my poor old long-suffering hairdresser) apply it or have a bash at colouring it myself?  Going au naturel is not an option any more - I don't have masses of grey but where I do have them they stick out like a sore thumb!

So ... after a couple of weeks of deliberation I've more or less decided to go for the chop (sod this growing lark!), just need to keep enough length to be able to pin/tie back in a fashion!  Of course in a perfect world my hair would look something like this...

...with a grown out fringe, bit of bedhead 'unkempt' theme going on...

and/or this...

... choppy fringe with warm caramel highlights, not too 'done'...

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but the undone thing is perfect for me. My hair (and face) just doesn't suit anything too contrived.  I'm much more comfortable when I'm a bit mussed up - which is just as well really!

Last time I had a heavier fringe cut in though I ended up looking a bit like this...

Not that I've got anything against old Velma mind...just not the 'look' I'm after at my time of life!

And without the correct shaping/layering/styling products/tools I could end up looking like this...

Again - no offence to Hazel O'Connor - loved her in the film Breaking Glass and I was totally in love with the young and cheeky Phil Daniels at that time ... see below...

Went off at a tangent then - sorry - anyway going to sort my appointment out, and hopefully I'll not have changed my mind again before I get to see old Phil (my hairdresser that is and not Phil Daniels!) ...

What's your biggest hair dilemma?  How often do you have your barnet cut/coloured?

Jen x

PS Thinking of getting a 'styling tool' to help sort out the mop in the mornings, maybe something like this? Any thoughts? What 'tool' do you use in the morning - any recs for me (no rude answers please!)?


  1. Wow, these sound like the same exact problems I have. I have really fine hair and if it's long it just hangs there. I chopped it off and I like it, but my hairdresser botched the color so now I need to get it fixed. I'm pretty sure hair problems are neverending.

    1. I think you're right about the neverending hair problems. Yes - I think the chop is imminent! :)

  2. I have to say than now my hair is down below my shoulders, it's so much easier to manage day to day. It's a mare to wash and dry but only need to do it once a week. The System Professional Luxe Oil has really helped with the dry ends. All I will say is don't do the home colour thing...I've never found it to be good for the hair and I find it only lasts about 4 weeks, whereas the salon colour lasts 6. I don't pay for my colour - I usually get it done on a student night or at the cheaper (no queue) blowdry bar. But I always pay as much as I can afford for the cut. It totally makes the difference. Can't wait to hear what you do...and to see the pics! Ax

    1. I reckon your hair's thicker than mine Avril, it certainly looks it in your pics. In fact - I don't think I've ever seen a pic of you with bad hair! It's only a semi-permanent colour I had on (wouldn't attempt a permanent myself!) although I'm leaning towards highlights to lighten up for the summer! Will try to take a pic once I have it done! xx

  3. Love the two cuts you chose. I probably prefer the second one colour wise, it just looks perfect!

    1. Yes - think I'm going to go for highlights as in the 2nd pic but cut maybe cut as in the 1st! x

  4. I love the cuts too! I'm trying to grow mine, but it is so slow!! I haven't had it cut for about 4 months so ought to have a trim really although I did go and have some colour on my grey roots! I have my eye on the Wam revolving curling iron. Knowing me I would probably get it tangled up in my hair and end up scalped! X

    1. Four months! I can only dream of going that long between cuts Claire! Funny thing is my hair grows really fast but just thins out! Let us know if you do go for the curling iron - would love to see a post! xx

  5. Love the styles you've picked, really love the undone look. I have the Big Hair, it's great. I do have to go over my hair with a GHD because my hair is so thick and curly that the tool can't get it perfect but I love the effect it gives.

    Ellie xo design blog | beauty & fashion blog

    1. I love the undone look too Ellie. Must try out the Big Hair - it sounds just what I need! x

  6. Be daring, skip the chop, it's a myth that we should cut our hair when we get older. However, a well defined style helps keeping the hair in check! Short hair is just so restricting!
    By the way, I just stumbled onto your blog and find it very interesting and with great variety!

    1. Thanks Nicolene. I just don't think I have enough hair to have it long anymore but the jury's still out!

  7. Haha, this cracked me up. Love the examples of undone hair, they are both gorgeous. I'm also a fan, as even if I do try to go for more of a 'done' look it doesn't last two minutes, so I might as well embrace the windswept look - especially with moving back to the UK soon, haha.
    I think the caramel highlights would look lovely :)
    Mel xx

    1. Same here Mel - I'm completely undone most of the time, especially with the current windy/rainy weather! Definitely going for the caramel hightlights! xx

  8. Oh how I hate hair dilemma's! Not sure about that styling tool, my daughter has something similar that is useless and takes forever to dry it, so do look for recommendations rather than waste your money, I'm sure there must be some good ones out there. Velma and Hazel made me laugh, blasts from the past!

  9. I've heard mixed reports about the Big Hair - I'll do my homework before I buy anything though - as you say there must be something out there for me! Old Velma and Hazel - grand girls! x

  10. i'm not sure whether to chop my hair off too, someone decide for me please! x

  11. Oh Jenny this post had me laughing! I remember when you had the fringe cut and it was only you who thought you looked like Velma, the rest of us thought it looked fab! I am totally envious of your work mate. Me, I have to cut and colour my hair every 8 weeks. If I don't colour, the silver (not so) fox appears and my hair grows soooooo quickly which is not good when you have it short, although I am in the process of growing it out mostly because my hairdressing bills are going through the roof, think I will go back to having a choppy bob x

    1. I'm happy to say my fringe is not so 'Velma like' this time Kay! I'm glad I had it all chopped off at the moment - finding it so much easier to style! Don't talk to me about hairdressing bills - one day I'll have a go at cutting it myself! xx


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