Wednesday 20 November 2013

Another Great Hair Dilemma ...


As you may have guessed I'm having another hair dilemma - well I have them all the time to be honest (my friends are laughing)!  It's like I can sort of manage my skin (more or less) but my mop is a different and an 'oh so unpredictable' kettle of fish!

I tried to skip a cut (well I went about 12 weeks) but it simply does not work for my hair - as it's so fine it just thins out and splits on the bottom - so lesson no 1 learnt (you'd think I know this at my age) regular trims are a must have. Lesson no 2 is that longer hair is a thing of the past - although it grows quite quickly - again - splitting and thinning are an issue - so... I've recently been bobbed off again and I think this is the shape of things to come - had a few layers cut back in (after growing them all out) as I didn't want to look like a monk!

So - I'm booked in with Phil (hairdresser) to have a colour this week and herein lies the dilemma! Highlights or semi, highlights or semi...can't decide in the slightest. So I'm looking at hair colour here and trying to imagine it on a bobbed head!

Every weekend I see Claudia's hair on Strictly and lust after the richness and shine of a semi-permanent colour which will cover the greys (there aren't loads but they stick out like a sore thumb)  and perk everything up a bit - shimmering and multi-tonal - that's what they say isn't it?

And of course Alexa's hair is always on my mind! So do we go for darker Alexa ....

or lighter Alexa ... in which case I'd need lots of fine highlights (instead of a semi) - which will also add texture and give the hair a thicker look?

or all over chunkier slices of colour and sod the growing out phase ...

...and then just to confuse matters I go and notice this gorgeous glossy colour and am now swaying back to dark again...?

or am I ...? I think I need some help! You think I'm mad don't you?

Which do you prefer - would you choose highlights over a semi?  How often do you have your hair cut and what do you do with your hair colour in Autumn/Winter?

Jen x


  1. So much hair inspo Jen! My (clear) favourites are Claudia & darker Alexa. It's the glossy richness that swung it :)

    Love Kate xx

    1. I like to complicate matters Kate - glossy richness is good! xx

  2. I'm the same as you, can never decide whether to go light or dark! I say go light then if you're not too keen go dark again x

    1. I think this may be a good plan of action Sam - could always have a darker colour over it later to tone down? xx

  3. I am going to be no help at all - sorry. Only when you do decide let me know as I have an appointment in two weeks as well and I may finally have some colour put in instead of just a bit on my roots ( to cover those pesky greys) - I am having the same dilemma - highlights or not? Lighter or darker? I'll probably chicken out and leave it the same as usual. x

    1. I'll let you know when I've decided Claire - which will probably be as I sit in the hairdressers chair - so indecisive! xx

  4. They say you should go lighter with your hair as you get older as you skin gets paler but I'm with you I also lust after Claudia's hair is so shinny and gorgeous. Sorry I'm no help at all xx

    1. Well I can certainly identify with the getting older thing Gail and I know what you mean - too dark looks a bit harsh on me these days although I love shiny! xx

  5. I love Claudias hair too! I'd love a fringe like hers but have been cursed with an awful cows lick at the front that puts a stop to that! I love the whole ombre look too! I'm going for the chop at the end of the month I think! Nothing major but a change of style is on the cards! Ax

    1. I know the fringe is great Andrea - unfortunately I don't have enough hair! I also love a good ombre - had it like that for years! Hope we'll get to see your new cut! xx

  6. Hair is a nightmare, we are never happy are we?

  7. This is true Laura - never happy! x

  8. Oh I'm having the same dilemma...having a colour on Wednesday and veering towards lightening it a bit but I find the condition deteriorates with highlights. Looking at all your photos, Claudia's stands out by far - *almost* makes me want a heavy to mull that one over! x

  9. OK, so I'm probably too late but I could throw the cat amongst the pigeons here and say , technically you could have both. You could go for a rich base and have a few caramel and mocha 'lites' put through it just in the T section, just to frame the face. Trust me I'm a hairdresser. Have I made things worse? ;) x

  10. Love the ombre colour and cut! As I am a shortie - I tend to change colour much more often than style. I've been embracing all the 1920's Great Gatsby type bobs this year. I am bright red at the moment (for winter) but was bright blonde a month ago!


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