Friday 11 October 2013

George Benson - This Masquerade


You know some weeks you get to Friday and you just want to flop in a heap in front of the TV? Well this is one of those weeks! Can't even decide whether to cook or let the hubby fetch fish and chips.  Although he  has just informed me that England are on the box for 'some' World Cup qualifier? He can watch that on his own!  The thought of having to get dressed up and go outside tonight does not appeal at all - I just want to hibernate - must be a mixture of bad weather and old age!  There won't be any 90's rave sounds coming from our kitchen tonight - nope! Tonight it's got to be mellow ...

George Benson - This Masquerade...

I really do love this track and actually got to sing it during a couple of gigs many moons ago - before we were married even. Seem to remember my husband (fiance then!) having rather a heated argument with Pete the pianist on one of those occasions - can't even remember why exactly but I think another singer was allowed to muscle in on my space out of the blue (and use my mic. into the bargain) which displeased the hubby immensely and since he'd had a few drinks he decided to give Pete a piece of his mind. I, in turn, gave the hubby/fiance a piece of my own mind and told him I could fight my own battles etc etc - quite an over-reactive night all round!  Still love the song though!

What will you be listening to tonight to chill?

Jen x


  1. Great track honey. Don't know what I am going to do as like you, don't want to watch the footie! Weather is awful, got completely drenched out wedding dress shopping with my eldest today x

  2. I ended up watching Buffy with the kids and left the hubby to watch footie in the other room! Wedding dress shopping sounds lovely but not the drenched bit! Have a great weekend Sharron! x


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