Friday 23 August 2013

My Boy's Birthday!


This week it was my boy's birthday - it's ridiculous how fast he's growing up - I don't feel mature enough myself to be a parent to a  teenager! Mum did him proud with one of her wonderful cake creations...!

I started with slight twinges that morning (two weeks before my due date) - all those years ago. My husband dropped me off - complete with my pre-packed maternity bag, at Mum and Dads while he went into work. Gradually throughout the day the pains intensified and by early evening I was sat on the settee with my two brothers jotting down the times between contractions (whilst playing on their latest games console next to me!).  Had to ring the hubby to tell him to cancel his footie match after work as the baby was definitely coming.  I asked for an epidural at the hospital but the midwives said it was too late - I was apparently too far on - so that was that - only gas and air!  He was born just after 11 that evening after a short(ish) sharp labour!  A few things that stick out in my mind ... being ferried off in a wheelchair to bed with this tiny bundle in my arms thinking - er..I have a baby! And the next morning waking up with his little face right next to mine - (they'd put him in bed next to me in the middle of the night to keep him warm!) his eyes were open and it was as if he was thinking - right mum - let's get on with it!  Also remember having a bit of a cry that day (pumped full to the brim of hormones) after the extremely stern midwife told me off for not knowing why the baby was still crying after I'd fed, changed and winded him ...!

This was the tune at Number 1 at the time...

Spiller - Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)  

It's a good one alright - not that I got to dance to it for quite a long time after he was born... ;) !

Jen x


  1. Yummy cake. Happy birthday to him, kids are growing so fast. I remember my brother and sister - twins just like it was yesterady when they were so small.

  2. The cake is so cute >.<
    I want to eat that cake >.<
    Happy birthday to him ^^

  3. I hope your son had a lovely youngest will be thirteen on Monday! I really can't believe how fast it goes!Enjoy your weekend:)
    ~Anne xx

    1. He did thanks Anne - it's ridiculous how fast it all goes by! Enjoy your weekend too! xx

  4. Happy Birthday to your boy! That cake looks amazing! x

    1. Thanks Sharron - cake was yummy! Have a great weekend! xx

  5. That cake is amazing!! Hope he had a great birthday xx

  6. Ah a happy birthday to him, you don't look old enough to have a teenager!:) x

    1. Thanks Gaelle - ah if only that were the case! xx

  7. Ahhhh that brought a tear to my eye reading that Jenny - the wonders of birth! Hope your (not so baby) boy had a wonderful day! x


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