Friday 5 April 2013

Marlena Shaw - California Soul!


Is it Friday? This week's been all over the place - combination of bank holidays, clocks changing, kids off school, getting up later and feeling worse for it - when I did go into work I didn't know what day it was!  I have next week off with the kids so trying to think of things to keep them busy and stave off the ultimate scraps that will no doubt arise once they get bored ... bless em!

Anyway - last week running up to the Easter weekend my brother Mike aka Gourmet Gorman had a string of gigs with the brilliant Marlena Shaw at Ronnie Scott's in London so here we have ...

Marlena Shaw - California Soul ...

Written by Ashford and Simpson and covered by Marlena in 1969 ... it's one of my favourite tracks ... apologies if you don't like cats but this video contains none other than Garfield himself grooving on down to the music part way through!

Ok - so this tune has such a summertime vibe going on  - warm sunshiney days and sand and sea. It's totally funky - laid back, chilled out but still groovy while it rolls along ... I have this on my IPod to 'cool down' to after a gym session and have to stop myself dancing 'Soul Train' style on the treadmill every time it comes on - I mean what would people think - do I care - one day I'll do it!

Wish I could have gone down to see them at Ronnie's - would have been fab... here's a pic of Marlena and Mike with the band backstage (not forgetting the all-important Mini-Eggs mind!).

Have a groovy weekend everyone! 

Jen x


  1. Just do it! Who cares what people think! Great snap of your brother et al, looks like they had a fun time. Have a great weekend! x

  2. Don't tempt me Kay - one of these days! They do look like they're enjoying their mini eggs on the photo! Have a lovely weekend too! xx


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