
Sunday, 23 December 2012

Treacle Moon Winter Special - I'm Loving those 'Warm Cinnamon Nights'!


Those lovely people over at the Treacle Moon factory have only gone and done it again (check out their full range of mouth-watering recipes right here!).  Understandably I was over the moon (so sorry for bad pun) to be asked if I'd like to try out their new Winter 2012 Special Edition ....

Warm Cinnamon Nights Bath and Shower Gel...

I have to say I'm a little obsessed with Treacle Moon products and this has definitely lived up to all expectations!  I wish there was such a thing as 'scratch n sniff' on blogger because I'm sure this would be a real winner.  It's a real 'happy fragrance' - smells good enough to eat - well, drink actually - although that is obviously completely out of the question and highly un-advisable (blogger told me this should be 'inadviseable'! ).  It reminds me of bathing in a vat of fruit punch - and smells of warm sweet oranges, apple, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and honey with a bit of zest thrown in! I absolutely love it and my little girl does too! It's the ideal fragrance for use over this freezing cold (I can't stand the cold) winter season and I can see me reaching for it well into the New Year to perk myself up - after all the Christmas hustle and bustle - when we all feel a bit down etc.

What I also love about Treacle Moon products is not only do they last for ages but the entire bathroom smells wonderfully fragrant after your shower/bath (I'll not go into detail but it's not often my bathroom smells so good with two boys in the family - if you get my drift!). You can check out my reviews on some other lovely Treacle Moon products here and here.

Available exclusively at Tesco stores right now and priced at £2.99/500ml this is ideal if you're stuck for any last minute pressie ideas.  Have you tried any Treacle Moon products?  If you fancy a bit of Warm Cinnamon Knight Nights then look no further!

Jen x


  1. Looks like a lovely product - must try something from this range!

  2. Oooh I've not tried this range before looks good. Very reasonably priced too. Packaging reminds me slightly of Philosophy.

    1. It is a good range Kay and the price is great! xx

  3. Mmmm sounds gorgeous! Such a good price too! xx

  4. Sounds amazing and has a wonderful price! You take amazing pictures by the way :) Now following xo

    1. Thank you - that's really kind! It is a brilliant price! xx

  5. omg I love anything cinnamon! I need this in my life! xx

    1. It's still on sale at Tesco for the moment so go for it girl! xx
