
Friday, 28 December 2012

Festive Friday Track - Bill Haley and the Comets - See You Later Alligator!


Thought I'd share one of Mum and Dad's favourites tunes that bring back memories of their Christmas Season and courtship days in 1950's India....and some of the history behind it...

My Dad tells me that back in the day...around the 20th December there would be a long queue outside the doctors, all there for mostly the same reason - to convince him that they needed the fortnight off work! Once signed off  (which I understand wasn't too difficult - don't ask!) festive celebrations would begin with the 'Bachelor's Ball'  on 23rd December (all the bachelors in town would each make a small contribution towards the 'do' and everyone else was allowed free entry). They had Christmas Eve off to attend Midnight Mass and then the partying started again with dances every night from 25th December through to 1st January! The dances would finish most nights at around 4.00 am usually (little ravers!).

Dad played in the band for most of these 'dances' (sax and clarinet) and said he did a number called 'Saxema' where he would leave the stage and weave his way between the dancers playing to them and performing his sax solo...I never knew that before...!

Dad's Clarinet Solo
Dad with the band and his Sax! 

Mum was a brilliant dancer and would jive the night away partnered by her brother Jack. Uncle Jack was in the Navy at the time and when he came home on leave for Christmas he apparently brought all the latest 'jive steps' back with him which he taught to Mum! Their dance routines with all the lifts and swings often turned in an exhibition in the middle of the dance floor - 'Grease' style... and they won several competitions - wish I could have seen that...!

Mum and Dad both love 'See You later Alligator' - Mum  can't listen to rock 'n' roll music without wanting to have a little shuffle and Dad just wants to get up there and play his sax!

Bill Haley and the Comets - See You Later Alligator!

Mum didn't/doesn't drink. Dad likes a drink occasionally but says back then no 'official' boozing took place due to prohibition in India at the time.  The band apparently 'got away with it' - due to the trombonist being a police radio officer...! I understand 'in his day' Dad drank some illicit concoctions which - in his own words - tasted like French Polish...!

So you see - we think we've 'done it all' but often our parents have often 'been there and done that...' many moons ago...!

Hope you enjoyed this little post Mum and Dad - love you loads!

Jen  x


  1. I LOVED your blog and your little girl is beautiful!!!! XXX

  2. Wow those pictures are fab! I love hearing about family histories! xx

    1. Thanks Sasha - there are loads more where they came from too! I love family history stories too! xx

  3. Your dad looks like a real dude!!

  4. Oh wow fantastic photos! I love looking at old pictures, what great memories and ... blog! So pleased I just came across you - will look forward to visiting you again :-)

    1. Thanks - me too - old pics are fascinating! Mum and Dad have so many stories - I really ought to document them. Pop back over anytime! :)
