
Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The Christmas Tag by Makeup-Pixi3


I've been wanting to do The Christmas Tag for a while now  .. ever since I read Sasha's post over on Ramblings of a Beauty Bird - who'd been tagged by Laura from A Day In The Life of A Scottish Lass  - who'd been tagged by the creator of the post Georgina from  Makeup-Pixi3. They are all on my Groovy Blogging Babes blogroll so feel free to check them out!

Thanks to Makeup-Pixi3 for letting us use her image!

So...on to the questions...

Q.   What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
It has to be getting together with all of my family.  Both my brothers live away - (the youngest in France) so it isn't very often we're all together - but we make the effort at Christmas and it's usually a bit of a riotous affair - filled with food, drink, music and general merriment.

Q.   What’s your favourite makeup look for the festive season?
I've always leaned towards smokey eyes with a bit of sparkly stuff here and there and lip gloss but have also done bigger brighter lips this year (get me!) courtesy of my Kate Moss Mattes - loving em!

Q.   Real tree or fake tree?
Usually a real one. We did try for a fake tree this year as they were half price in Homebase but they had all sold out.

Q.   Giving presents or receiving presents?
It's all about the giving isn't it?  I usually find it hard to stop buying presents once I start and get carried away (always seem to have last-minute ideas too!) - I have really tried to control myself this year though but hopefully have still got everyone some decent pressies (and that's all I'm saying!).

Q.   Do you open your presents Christmas morning or evening?
Morning with the hubby and kids and evening with the rest of the family after dinner - so a bit of both!

Q.   What’s your favourite Christmas film?
Think it's got to be Meet Me In St.Louis - still gives me goosebumps when I hear 'The Trolley Song'!

Q.   What’s your favourite Christmas food?
My mum's wonderful Christmastime stuffing - it's a bit of an Anglo-Indian recipe passed down through the generations, which most of our extended family concoct in various ways!  Includes sausage, mushroom, onions, peas, carrots, potatoes, fried bread - and Mum's own personal blend of seasonings of course.  We don't stuff the turkey with it but have huge (and I mean huge!) helping on the side (good job mum makes a vat of stuffing really!) - it's the highlight of the Christmas and Boxing Day dinner for me! 

Right that's it! I really enjoyed writing this post - thanks for reading this far down! Please let me know if you decide to squeeze this post in before Christmas - would love to read your answers (I'm nosey like that!).

Jen x


  1. Sounds like you've got a fab Christmas planned Jenny :-) that stuffing sounds amazing!! xx

    1. It's all about the family and the stuffing Sasha! Me and my brothers are slightly obsessed with mum's stuffing - can't get enough of it! xx

  2. Would love to try that stuffing, it sounds amazing! I did the tag a while back. Love tags, I am super nosey ;)

    1. If I can ever get the entire recipe from mum will have to do a foodie post - we sometimes have it at Easter too - it's a 'special occasion' stuffing! I'm super nosey too Kay - not just you! xx

  3. This is a lovely post: I envy people who are lucky enough to spend Christmas with their family (not in a bad envy way). You do know that you’re not supposed to give away the recipe of the “secret stuffing”: your brother is guarding it with his life and blaming your other brother for protecting the precious family secret!!!! Have a wonderful time! :o) XXX

    1. Thanks Andrea - I am very lucky to spend Christmas with my family (and I know you didn't have 'bad envy';) I do know the 'secret stuffing' is a closely guarded family secret - don't worry! Hope you have a lovely time too - will catch up with you on Twitter! xx

  4. Wonderfully crisp and always interesting!

  5. Thanks for doing the Christmas tag Jenny :) I'm with the others, the stuffing sounds amazing!

    1. Thanks for creating the tag Georgina - I enjoyed writing it! Must post a pic of the stuffing on here during the Christmas season! x

  6. I love Meet Me in St Louis too, my sister and I used to watch it repeatedly with my grandparents as kids, Christmas or not - we were a bit obsessed and knew all the words to all the songs! Haha. I think I'm going to do this tag in a Youtube video tomorrow, as I've already done the Winterlicious one in a blog post this week.
    Mel xx

    1. Ah they don't make em like that these days - it's such a brilliant film - full of nostalgia! You should do the tag - look forward to seeing your video! xx
