
Friday, 21 December 2012

Favourite Friday Track - The Pogues & Kirsty McColl - Fairytale of New York

Happy Mad Friday!

Well here we are - another mad Friday is upon us! Many a year (pre-children!) have myself and hubby gone 'down town' drinking on this afternoon/evening along with the throngs of fellow party goers! Never has my husband been as traumatised by the long queues leading to the bar as he was today when he accompanied me to do the 'big Christmas food shop' at our local Sainsbury's!

The Pogues & Kirsty McColl - Fairytale of New York

Released in 1987 it's one of the best Christmas tunes of my era in my humble opinion!

Brilliantly seasonal -  many of you will have swayed along to this in a haphazard fashion during the Christmas party period I'm sure ...

Come on - tell me you haven't!

Jen x


  1. Ha ha - they don't know the half of it these men! I'm sure my OH would fall off his high horse if he lived my life over Christmas one year. I'm sure he thinks the Christmas fairy provides the dinner each year. Ive avoided the rush this year as I', not cooking for the first time in...... forever.... lovely! Have a great pre Christmas weekend! X

    1. Ah - that old Christmas fairy gets around doesn't she? Enjoy not cooking the dinner for once - you deserve it! Have a great pre Christmas weekend too! xx

  2. This isn't just my favourite Christmas song, it's one of my all time favourite songs. I start playing it in October!

    Have a lovely Christmas xx

    1. It's definitely an all time favourite! Have a lovely Christmas too! xx

  3. Ha men they have no idea! I have many a Christmas/New Years eve 'swayed' along to this song, it is a classic and takes me right back to my youth :)

    1. No they really don't have any idea do they? Never mind! I think we all sway or skip to this one after a few don't we? xx
