
Saturday 21 June 2014

Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine ... !

Bonjour and Happy Midsummer's Day!

I had a Twitter conversation last week with someone who is the exact opposite to me - loves the cold and darkness of Winter and hates the current light evenings and 'vile heat' - as she put it! Each to their own and all ...! I always feel a little melancholy when the longest day is over.  I am definitely a Summer-lover and don't want the days to shorten.  The sun, the warmth, the light, the long evenings ... seems appropriate to be playing this Summertime track today ...

Isley Brothers - Summer Breeze ....

Totally captures the atmosphere of Summertime for me this one - if I didn't have bad hay fever and a general fear of creepy crawlies I'd just want to lie on my back in a field - (without cowpats mind!) - gazing up at a cloudless blue sky (SPF on of course) - listening to Summertime music, winding down for a long, lazy, warm evening ... don't get many of those I can tell you!

What's your favourite Midsummer track?

Jen x


  1. This is one of my favourites too Jen. I'm in the garden, iPhone in hand so gonna click on and have a listen of this great track. I also love Summertime by Jazzy Jeff xxx

    1. Jazzy Jeff Summertime - brilliant Sharron! xx

  2. Great summer track Jenny...hope you had a good afternoon!
    ~Anne xx

  3. I love the long days, I feel more productive and generally happier in summer! Great track too!

    1. Can't it be Summer all year round Gaelle?

  4. This came on the radio today Jen & I sang along loud & proud! Such a fab tune! I love it! Ax
