
Friday 11 April 2014

Down Time...


When I read this post by Andrea over at Cous Cous & Cork Wedges here I totally sympathised and empathised!  I commented that she was definitely not on her own in her predicament! I have not felt myself this week - it's been a weird one to say the least and in my case I reckon hormonal imbalance has gone to a whole new level - I wonder whether to blame the beast that is perimenopause (blogger doesn't like perimenopause!).  Apologies if that's too much info but hey - it comes to all us girls in time and can apparently precede the actual 'event' for up to 15 years in some cases! Oh joy!

You know when you just feel overly anxious - I guess is the word? Everything seems like an insurmountable task,  the usual routine of getting the kids up and off to school, the decision of what to cook for dinner, the multitude of tasks waiting to be actioned. You know when you just don't know where to start, even if you had the energy, everything is a bit foggy, everything gets to you and all you want  to do is sleep and cry ... at everything - I mean what is going on there?  Yes the kids are growing up far too fast but I couldn't even talk about it or look at baby/toddler photos of them last week without bursting into tears. And then you get mad with yourself because you're aware that there are so many people out there in a much worse position.  It was actually a relief (if that's the right word) to go into work - login to my computer, make a start on my work and not have to think about anything else - I felt calmer for it - whether this is a coincidence I don't know. I went to the gym last night and it did me the world of good - the equilibrium and endorphins that had been sadly lacking started to come back and I felt relatively 'normal' again - if only I could bottle the stuff and save it for a 'down day'! And on the way back this tune was playing on  my Pete Tong CD and it made me feel happier ...

Modjo - Lady...

I don't know - what do we do eh? What I need to do now is not spend my 'normal' time worrying about when my next 'down' time is going to occur!  Big thanks to my hubby and family and friends for putting up with me! And hope you didn't mind me sharing!

How have you been feeling this week? What do you do to alleviate your 'down' time?  What's your favourite happy track?

Jen x


  1. Aw Jenny hope you feel less anxious soon! You have to listen to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams - it does what it says on the tin :-) xx

    1. Thanks Sasha - my daughter plays 'Happy' all the time! xx

  2. Hi Jenny, I've had some times like this recently too when I've felt overly anxious and it's both disconcerting and exhausting. Lots of love to you - you're not alone. xx

    1. Thanks Nic - it's comforting to know I'm not on my own xx

  3. Perimenopausal? Yup, mmmhmmm, I hear ya & empathise greatly......damn my maternal genes!!

    1. I know, rubbish isn't it Sarah xx

    2. Certainly bloody is! Grey hair at 18, perimenopausal at 38.....what other delights have I yet to encounter 20 years too early?! ;) xx

  4. Oh bless you Jenny! We are not alone & a problem aired is a problem shared as they say! Big Big Hugs to you & thank you for the mention! The Universal Sisterhood continues to grow & where would we be without it?! <3 xx

    1. Thanks Andrea - and no probs re the mention! Good to know we're not alone xx

  5. I'm glad you found a couple of things that helped. Work really helps me when feeling down because there is so much to do, I don't have time to think about anything else. Favourite happy track is Jackie Wilson, your love lifting me higher, or something like that! xx

    1. Thanks Gaelle - yep work does help. Love Jackie Wilson xx

  6. Hope you feel less anxious soon. Exercise definitely helps for me too- you feel so much better after exercising! xx

    1. Thanks Emily - yep exercise does help xx

  7. I know exactly how you feel Jen, it's not easy and of course we end up feeling guilty about those worse off than us. Get through this shit and then we will be growing beards - oh the joy!

    1. Sharron you crack me up - oh the beard - joy! xx

  8. Oh Jenny - I wish we lived closer! Could have had a good old chin wag over the last months I suspect!! Lots of love to you - have missed checking in. Was chatting to a friend about favourite blogs and yours was top of her list! XX
