
Wednesday 6 March 2013

20 Random Facts Tag!

Evening All!

I've seen this tag post knocking around some of my favourite blogs for a while - most recently done by Sasha from Ramblings of a Beauty Bird, Jayne from Miss Jayne Becca and Sam from Honey Go-Lightly.   I really enjoy having a nosey through random facts so here's my contribution...!

*I love tuna mayo sarnies with Wotsits.
*I am exceedingly short tempered (bark worse than bite and all that jazz!)
*Music moves me immeasurably!
*I'm scared of wasps and spiders - in fact I don't do well with any insect!
*I'd rather be too hot than too cold.
*Nothing winds me up more than someone pulling out on you in the car and then DRIVING SLOWLY!
*I can eat for England.
*I dropped out of Art school and worked at Top Shop for a few years (not sure that was the right move now but the staff discount was amazing!).
*I was a New Romantic.
*Badly stacked dishwashers get on my goat!
*I got married in red and we partied the night away to groovy tunes including Faithless, Stevie Wonder and The Cult.  Here we are a little worse for wear! Oh dear - no idea what's going on there!

Hubby is convinced this was taken during Happy Mondays 'Step-On' cos he's doing his impression of Bez!

*I am the 'neshest' person this side of 'neshville'.
*Green is my favourite colour.
*I partied first (pretty well actually!) and then had kids (good job I did it that way round - no energy these days!).
*I'm looking to start singing again and do some local gigs before I get too old (anyone up for a jam session?)!
*I worry a lot.
*I prefer pasta to pizza.
*When Grease the movie came out I wanted to marry Danny Zuko!
*I love toilet/carry-on humour - big-ones/bangers etc crack me up - 'ooh Matron!'
*I went on Honeymoon to America and drove round Boston, Vermont, Montreal, Niagara Falls, Cape Cod and New York - our best friends came too and got married at the Green Mountain Inn in Vermont!
*If I don't have a load of washing in the machine I panic a little!
*I once met Boy George backstage when my bro was playing keyboards for him - he said I was shy!

Ok - so those are my random facts - hope you enjoyed reading them and don't think I'm too weird! I've gone over 20 facts and have plenty more actually (I'm very random!) but I won't bore you tonight - maybe another time eh?

Jen x

PS - Hopefully everyone knows what 'nesh' means?


  1. Your honeymoon sounds amazing! I'd rather be too cold than too hot! :)

    1. It was Jayne! I hate the cold - I'd rather be sweating than shivering! x

  2. I can never decide one way or the other on being too cold or hot - the grass is always greener!
    Loved these facts, quite a lot of randomness in there, which is what I like to see! Haha.
    I didn't know you were a singer -what sort of singing do you do?
    Mel xx

    1. Thanks Mel - yes there is quite a lot of randomness present! I used to sing soul and jazz standards or whatever was thrown at me really! xx

  3. Loved reading your facts! Your honeymoon sounds amazing! I also hate spiders. Would love to hear you sing :-) xx

    1. Thanks Sasha - honeymoon was fab - can't believe we actually did it now! Spiders freak me out good style! Singing-wise if ever there's a central bloggers meetup with a decent microphone you never know ...! xx

  4. Too funny - I have SO many of these in common with you!! Though I should point out that Tuna sandwiches with wotsits is NOT one of the ones we have in common- lol lol..that is a first for me...unbelievable!! Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril - love to know which ones we have in common! It just has to be Wotsits though, you see - no other crisp compliments tuna mayo more in my book!

  5. I know what nesh means!! I too am nesh.

    I've started to toughen up around spiders - I spent nearly 7 years in an old cottage where all manner of things visited including a pigeon and the cutest field mouse. And lots of spiders.

    And I don't like anyone to stack my dishwasher either. Makes me twitch :o)

    1. Thank goodness - a fellow 'nesher!'. Sue - I can't see me ever toughening up around spiders - they make my skin crawl - can cope with birds and mice (to a degree) but have serious spider issues and what is the point of a badly stacked dishwasher - it doesn't wash the pots properly and they have to be washed again! Rant over! x

  6. Errrr I think we might be the same person! We have too many things in common lol. Love the pic of you and your hubby and I am up for a jam session anytime :)

    1. This made me laugh Kay - love it! Have no idea who took that photo actually - bet they were drunk too! Right - you're on for that jam session! x

    2. Give me the time and the place girl and I'll be there! x

  7. I love these posts! And the photo is great - I must post one of mine! I'd sing with you if you were closer - love to do the band thing! xxx

    1. I love doing these posts - just a chance to waffle on (more than usual). Glad you like the photo - told you it was a 'drunken one' and yes you must post yours - would love to see! If only we were closer Claire we could have a jam session in your new garage - if only! xx

    2. And Kay could come round too and join in! xx

  8. I love these post's too! Totally agree about music moving you, and I also panic if there is nothing in the machine and hate spiders!

    1. Thanks Sharron - I know you're a fellow music lover (from the same era I think)! That old 'empty washing machine panic' - gets me every time! Spiders - make me jump a mile - it's the scurrying thing - can't stand it! x

  9. Oh gosh, we have SO much in common.

  10. I have no idea what Nesh means!! But seriously, tuna mayo AND cheesy wotsits??

    Thanks for the mention too xx

    1. Nesh means 'feeling the cold' - must be a northern thing! Really - only wotsits will hack it with with tuna mayo! No probs re the mention Sam! xx
