
Wednesday 9 January 2013

Beauty Resolutions 2013 ...

Evening all!

I've really enjoyed reading the posts on 'Beauty Resolutions' for the coming year - most recently by Sasha from Ramblings of a Beauty Bird and Jayne from Miss Jayne Becca.

Here's mine...

Sleep ...  You know you need more sleep when the first thing that enters your  mind as you drag your weary body out of bed early morning is 'I can't wait to go to bed tonight'.  I've always needed a lot of sleep but these days seem to just get by on 'nervous energy' (think it's a 'mum' thing).  I'm so guilty of cramming far too much into each evening and am often to be found in bed - laptop on knee - typing up a blog post late at night (in-fact this was my location as I typed this post - 11.30 at night/husband is snoring - too much info?). Also, our dog has the weakest bladder on the planet and cries to go out usually around 5ish - even though my hubby gets up to let him out I always wake and sometimes can't get back to sleep easily - which doesn't help the situation.  Must make more of an effort to go up earlier (minus the laptop), try to read (a book) and somehow get more shut-eye.

Feet ...   I'm so very guilty of 'ignoring' my feet at this time of year - well nobody really sees them and they're shoved away in socks and boots most of the time - no excuse I know!  I'll put a bit of cream on them (occasionally) before bed but am usually too tired or just forget! I can't remember the last time I used a foot scrub either (think it was in the summer) - shocking isn't it? So - more of an effort to scrub up and apply a foot cream is needed here - otherwise I'll be peeling layers of rough hard skin off my feet come springtime - nice!

Neck ...  and decolletage - now I'm getting older this is really an area which I can't afford to neglect. I've always just cleansed and shoved on whatever cream is to hand but think I now need to invest in something more potent.  I can't do much about my necklace lines - I've had them forever - but probably need some sort of firming throat gel to help prevent all that baggy skin from accumulating.  Ah the joys of age!

Face Masks ... another procedure I'm often guilty of skipping.  I have quite a few masks in my possession (as you can imagine!) but again am too tired most nights to faff about. This is the time of year when my kite could do with some extra brightening/pampering/hydration/moisture etc so another reason to get upstairs earlier and read in bed with that mask on - hubby won't even notice!

Make-Up Storage... basically all my daytime make-up is crammed into several large containers.  So irritating in the morning fumbling around by lamplight.  A major bit of organisation is needed so will have to invest in some storage and get sorted (and find the time of course!).

Improve Posture ... if you happened to read my Posture Perfect? post back in June (if you didn't and really want to you can do so here) you'll know that this is a weakness of mine.  Pilates has helped so much but I've not attended the class for a while - the teacher (who was brilliant at helping us to stretch things out, improve core stability, posture and shoulder alignment etc etc etc) left and the new teacher didn't have the same approach to the class - it turned into more of a workout and just didn't have the desired effect. I really need to get back to a good class before I end up a hunched up little old lady and have found an alternative I can attend so am starting this week!

So that's my lot - more a beauty/lifestyle mix I suppose - let's see if I can stick to them!

What have your beauty-related resolutions been for this year?

Jen x


  1. Thanks for the mention and link Jenny! I seriously need to sort out my makeup storage too! xx

    1. No problem Sasha - thanks for doing the post in the first place! Bet you'll get round to sorting your make-up before I do! xx

  2. Great resolutions there! I always need more sleep & I am guilty of watching YouTube videos on my phone in bed, when I should read! And my feet need more TLC too ~ At the moment I am sporting some rather attractive blisters from running :( xx

    1. Thanks Jayne. I should be reading now and here I am still on the laptop! Running blisters - painful! xx

  3. When I was younger a lady once said to me, regarding looking after your face and neck , " If you look after the flower (face) you have to look after the stem ( neck) " Somehow that stuck with me and I've always cleansed and moisturised right down!!

    1. What a lovely way to put it Claire! I need to sort my 'stem' out! xx

  4. God I can relate to this post so much Jenny. My beauty resolution for 2013 started just before Christmas and it was spurred on by a post on moisturising. I was terribly neglectful and didn't moisturise everyday after my bath/shower but I am doing it daily now and my skin is already thanking me for it! I know I will continue this as I've been quite lax over the years expecting my smooth skin to be there forever, age now tells a different story :(

    1. That's actually one thing I've done for years Kay - moisturised after shower or bath - if I don't my skin gets really dry and itchy. As you can see though I'm lax in other areas! xx

  5. I love watching YouTube videos about make up storage and organisation. Really glad I found your blog! :)

    1. Me too - wish I had time to watch more of them! Thanks for the comment - glad to have found your blog too - already love the products on your wishlist! Further temptation is in store I can see! :)

  6. I need to write a list, oh no hang on, I can use yours! I spend all my time doing beauty treatments on others, I feel like I can't be bothered! Feet and Face masks are the things I should do more x

    1. I know what you mean Sharron and I've clearly not yet started my 'more sleep' resolution because here I am (without face mask) still on the laptop! I have used a lovely oil on my neck/decolletage though and it feels great! xx

  7. I'm completely the same with my feet, I end up ignoring them - along with a lot of other things. One of my resolutions is to make more time to beautify myself!


    1. Hope you manage it! Always the 'time' thing isn't it? :)

  8. Ha, this made me laugh as that's exactly what I tend to think as I drag myself out of bed in the mornings, particularly if it's to go to work!
    I have two really deep lines around my neck and I'm fairly sure I've always had them, very strange. Do you know what causes them?
    Definitely stick to the face mask resolution, it's a good excuse to have a bit of me-time, can be quite a nice thing to do while relaxing before bed and it's not so much a chore as some other things, like looking after feet! Ha. I think we're all guilty of neglecting our trotters in the winter, haha.
    Mel xx

    1. Tell me about it Mel - 'drag' is the exact word! Wonder if your lines are necklace lines - literally lines not wrinkles as such - think they're hereditory - I have quite a few and so has my mum. Still not tackled my feet - hubby's been ill so not had a minute to spare! Ah well! xx
