
Tuesday 11 September 2012

Tesco Soft and Smooth Body Lotions


Just wanted to do a quick post on a couple of my fave items - Tesco Soft and Smooth Body Lotions.

I'm a bit of a body lotion fanatic, I apply the stuff every night after bath or shower and therefore get through quite a lot of it! If I don't my skin just itches in a most irritating (pardon the pun!) type fashion.

At approximately £1.15/400ml these are fantastic value. You can slap it on liberally and not have to worry about the price tag!  I really like to match my body lotion fragrance with my shower/bath products (am I weird or does everyone do this?) so tend to have both of these on the go pretty much most of time.

The Aloe Vera option is really cooling with a subtle scent.  I've not actually used it as my 'official aftersun' but do find it's great for summertime or on warmer evenings (sorry we'll obviously have to wait a while for those now!).   Also use this if I've been to the gym or in the morning as it's light, refreshing and also 'super-easy' to apply - it absorbs in no time yet still keeps my skin hydrated.

The Cocoa Butter option smells delicious, soft and buttery, I do tend to use this one in  colder weather, or when you just want to be 'wrapped up' in something comforting!  Again a good one for 'quick application' - to be honest, whether it be morning or evening I simply don't have time to faff about rubbing stuff in (which mum does?)!

So - while I was in Tesco the other day stocking up on these two (and a few other things!) I picked up a bag of hay for our Guinea Pigs - it always comes in handy because as well as using it for bedding they also seem to constantly eat the stuff!

Trevor and Rodney were very grateful  ...



Cheeky chaps aren't they?

What's your favourite 'bargain body lotion'?

Jen x


  1. I've recently started using the I love... range only £1 from the pound shop for a tub.
    Total bargain and it comes in different scents so i got the cocoa butter one coz it smells good enough to eat! perfect for slabbering on willy nilly :)


    1. What a bargain - even more temptation ...! x

  2. Not tried Asda's range (yet) - they sound really good value! :)

  3. I really like the Cocoa lotion one, as you said you can go alittle nuts (get it?) without worrying about the cost. Means I do have a lot of excuses not to use it everyday :) x

    1. Exactly - its so good for slathering on - on a daily basis! x

  4. Love the piggies - we have piggies too - such lovely pets! XX

  5. They're cute aren't they - but they never stop eating...! xx
