
Tuesday 18 September 2012

NOTD - NYC - High Line Green


Green is my favourite colour. Reminds me of fresh herbs - coriander, basil, parsley, mint - (can you tell I love my food?). So when I spotted this polish in Superdrug at £1.79 I had to have it!  In a New York Colour Minute Quick Dry Nail Polish in High Line Green.

Just the one coat (without topcoat) 

So - this polish promises 'a manicure that moves at the speed of Manhattan' and is described by the NYC website as a one coat formula that dries in less than 60 seconds.

Tried this out as a 'one-coater' at the weekend (with my usual base/top coat) and it did actually last pretty well before chipping - about two days - that may sound pretty rubbish to you lot but for a busy mum with all the cleaning, hands in soapy water, chopping, peeling, cooking (I tend to cook a lot over the weekend!) it's not too bad. I did find that the formula is slightly too thick for the brush, which is a bit too pliable and bendy (in my humble opinion) and it took a while to dry (being such a thick consistency I guess) but for £1.79 I can't complain.

Initially I did wonder whether this colour may be a tad 'out there' for a girl of my advanced years....what the hell - I love it, it's rich, glossy and a great Autumn colour I think. (Not sure my mum likes it though - she said the colour was hurting her eyes - sorry Mum!)

You can check out the colours available at Superdrug from their online store here or directly from the New York Colour website here.

What do you think of 'High Line Green'?  Have you tried out any of the NYC Quick Dry range?

Jen x


  1. It does look nice on you but I tend to avoid colours like this, I feel I am too old for them! I never used the Chanel Nouveau Vague after testing it out once on my toes. Great coverage for one coat though so the brand is worth a look!

  2. I know I've avoided colours like this also - for ages, but just fancy them all of a sudden. Must be having a mid-life crisis! Agree the coverage is great! x

  3. This is different - didnt think i'd like green but i love this look :)

  4. I know, I was the same but I love it! :)

  5. Thanks for sending me your link! You blog is great! And I LOVE your blog name! <3

  6. Thankyou - and the same to you - now following you through GFC :)

  7. I take the attitude " If I love it I will wear it - stuff the age thing!" It looks great - wear it with pride! X

  8. Thank you - I love that attitude - let's 'stuff it' together! xx
