
Sunday, 8 November 2015

SBC Cotton Body Oil - Review


I think I'm turning into a bit of an 'oil' freak ... love it for face, hair, body and nails!  I'm already a fan of quite a few products from SBC (Simply Beautiful Collection) as you may have read in my blog post here - so when they very kindly offered to send me a bottle of their new Cotton Body Oil to try out - I jumped at the chance! Just to set the record straight here's a little information about the new line directly from their own press release ...
"SBC’s NEW Cotton Line provides gentle restorative care for those who  have allergy prone skin, and who are prone to reactions, particularly suited to skin conditions such as sensitive, reactive, delicate." 
A picture of the SBC Cotton Body Oil

A picture of the SBC Cotton Body Oil

The  Cotton Oil  is said to provide  'Natural care for delicate skin' and includes  a  simple  cocktail  of Cotton Seed Oil, Wheat Germ Oil,  Vitamin E, Whey Protein and Oat Kernel which,  all put  together are said to help lock in moisture and form a protective barrier,  condition,  smooth, tone, firm, nourish and  repair  (I don't  know about you  but  all that  lot sounds like a  dream come true  to me!).    It is dermatologically tested,  uses 100% natural allergen free  fragrance  and is suitable  for all the  family including babies. 

You can use in several different ways, added to your bath or whilst in the shower (although remember to clean up afterwards as slipping and sliding around is not good!). It can also be applied to damp skin and then patted dry or massaged in gently after drying off.  For myself I prefer the latter two options, I like the way it slips over the skin and have made sure to use over my sensitive eczema prone areas on my arms, which can sometimes react to products .  It leaves skin feeling like satin with a lovely silky sheen, smoothed and moisturised with no itch, sting or irritation. I have also taken to massaging from my decollete area up onto my neck and am amazed that some of the crepiness definitely seems to have abated in that area - I keep having to check my neck out in the mirror just to make sure!  It has a very delicate scent, reminds me of comforting 'baby-soft' fresh linen smell, just enough so you can get a whiff of the aroma on your skin but not so strong that it will interfere with a perfume of similar notes - to my large but inexperienced nose it seems to blend very well with my Philosophy Amazing Grace!

The Cotton Body Oil comes in at £20.50 from QVC for a big 250 ml bottle here. You don't need a lot so this size should last ages. All in all I consider this another winner from SBC, they seem to have a knack for creating simple formulations using natural ingredients, that deliver great results and I'd be happy to repurchase - in fact I think it will probably become one of those products that will be a staple in my body care regime whether or not it is feeling sensitive!

Are you an 'oil fan'? Have you tried the SBC Cotton Body Oil

Jen x


  1. Fragrance of body care always puts me as it tends to clash with perfume. Nice that this one doesn't x

    1. Me too Gaelle - I like my smells to match! xx

  2. I'm not a massive fan of oils, though I do use Oil Progidieuse in the summer. Lynne xx

    1. Funny what we get used to isn't it Lynne? I think I'm an all-year-round oil addict! xx
