
Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year NOTD - Beauty UK Glam Nails - Gunmetal

Bonjour and Happy New Year's Eve!

In years gone by the hubby, myself and friends would be out every New Year's Eve at a (not so local) pub for the disco and New Year's party. Was brilliant - I remember dancing (with the other girls) on the chairs and silly string being squirted up my skirt by some nutter - resulting in my hubby threatening to 'take him outside' in no delicate fashion! We then walked a considerable distance home having had a 'skinful',  in all weathers (snow one year), didn't even feel the cold even though I was usually unsuitably clad - ah the benefits of youth!

These days it's just me, hubby and Jools Holland on the box (kids and dog asleep!).  Haven't been out on New Year's Eve since having kids  for all the usual reasons ... and I do miss it sometimes ... anyway ... I thought this would be a fitting nail choice for this time of year ...

Beauty UK 'Glam Nails' in Gunmetal

Love this - I don't possess many metallic effect polishes but sometimes a bit of good ol' silver/gold is fine for a night out or just to brighten things up - and the way the weather's been today we've sure needed it!  This would actually have gone really well with my silver dress or skirt that I wore to go out in years and years ago!

Anyway - I love Beauty UK polishes - they go on fine and last pretty well and at only £1.99 you can't go wrong!  Full range of groovy shades from their website right here or from Superdrug.

Right - I'd best sign off and start peeling potatoes and vege for tonight's dinner! Have a brilliant evening everyone whatever you're doing - Happy New Year!

Jen x


  1. Aww I know what you mean, I kind of miss it sometimes as well since being a mummy too.
    Well to pamper at home is always good way to make use for a night in^^
    Lovely metallic shade there, I've never used Beauty UK polishes, I'll have to try it one day! x

    1. Problem is I never have loads of time for a proper pamper either - which mum does? Beauty UK Polishes are so affordable and loads of colours to choose from! xx

  2. I love silver polishes! Hope you enjoyed your roast! I'm in my pjs already and it's only 10.30 - oh the exciting life us mums lead nowadays! I'm quite happy if I'm honest curled up with a film or a book as long as I get the occasional night out or weekend away! Don't want to be too boring in my old age now do I!! Happy New Year to you and the family! X

    1. The roast was good thanks Claire - although I'd had a couple of glasses of wine so was a bit tipsy! Occasional nights out are all I can manage these days! Hoope you had a good one too! xx

  3. nice shade...liked the title of your blog :)

  4. Woo hoo! Happy Hump Day! Gosh darn that's a good lookin' manicure-love the color!
    Give yourself a pat on the back and a big hug for making it this far! You can do it! Keep going! You are writing blog posts that are inspiring others and affecting positive change-so get at it and write some more!
    Thanks for adding value to those around you!
    Ciao ciao for now~
