
Friday, 14 December 2012

Favourite Friday Track - The Jackson 5 - Blame It On The Boogie!


A late Friday track today - I should be getting ready for our big works party at the moment but had to chuck this on here quickly before I commence proceedings...

The Jackson 5 - Blame It On The Boogie ...

Released in 1978 it's such a timeless classic - really hope the DJ plays some proper disco tunes such as this instead of the usual cheesy drivel - which does my head in...!

To be perfectly honest I don't even feel like going out at the moment. I'm shattered and have a headache...but it's not very often me and Mr G get to go out and party together so going to down some paracetamol and get ready! Mr G will get absolutely hammered - make no mistake! Several bottles of (free) wine are provided with each table so basically everyone will be going for it and I'll do my best to keep up with them because I'm useless at drinking these days - only need a couple and I'm on my way!

Anyway - best crack on or will get into trouble for not being ready on time (one of my usual downfalls) - not even had time to do my nails so will have to take my polish with me at do them once we get there!

Jen x


  1. Hope you managed to enjoy the evening! I must admit to enjoying a night curled up in front of the fire more and more nowadays! I've got to be feeling really 100% to want to go out on the razzle..... Xx

    1. Yes thanks Claire - although mixing drinks at my age is not good! I know exactly how you feel - especially in wintertime! xx

  2. Hope you had a great night! I'm the same, can't take the pace any more - I used to be the biggest party animal, but since moving away I haven't been out much, so when I do have a drink I get hammered after two or three now, haha.
    Mel xx

    1. Thanks Mel it was good - same here I used to love nightclubbing but feel like I'm too old and knackered for all that now! You've got plenty of partying years left in you - you're just a spring chicken! xx

  3. Hope you had a great night! Love this track!

    1. Thanks Sharron - yes it was good and they did actually play this - can you believe it! x
