
Saturday 2 February 2013

NOTD - 17 Fast Finish Nail Polish - Navy Glint


I know we'll shortly (hopefully) be heading into Spring and looking at the new season's colours but for now I've still got a few deeper shades to sport (and it's still too cold!). So without further ado ... here's the nail polish I obtained from Boots in my pre spending-ban haul ... 17 Fast Finish - Navy Glint ...

This is described 'on the can' as 'single coat high shine colour in 60 seconds'. I found with this polish you have to apply a really good thick coat - otherwise it's patchy and uneven - it's still a little patchy anyway - think you can see that on the pic above.  It was touch dry in 120ish seconds rather than the 60 stated and is if I'm honest a bit 'whiffier' than other polishes I've tried.  After a day it had chipped (with and without top coat) - I had spent some time scrubbing new potatoes at the sink so not sure if that had a hand in it.  I therefore went down the 'sod it - I'm applying two coats' route - which gave a better (I hope) you can see in pic below...

This lasted better with topcoat (as you would expect) - just over 2 days.  Despite all this malarkey, I really like the colour of this polish (probably why I faffed around with it for so long - and obviously why I bought it in the first place!) - it's really prettied up with the 'glint' aspect which gives it a sort of - would you say 'cosmic' feel to it (?) - anyway I like the effect!

Obviously - with all the running around I do I want to just apply a single coat of polish which will dry quickly and just crack on with stuff.  However I'd rather spend time applying a second coat and have it last longer (I know 2 days isn't really that long though) because - believe me - finding the time to sit down in the day and paint nails is an ordeal in itself!  So - not sure I'm sold on 17 Fast Finish as a one-coater (it was £2.99 so not too expensive) but - still love the colour!

Have you tried any 17 Fast Finish Nail Polishes - what's your verdict?

Jen x


  1. You really are a Cosmic Girl honey and I bet like me you love that song! Looks fab on, I haven't tried any of these. Just got the three new Chanel spring colours, watch this space! x

    1. Ah thanks Sharron - never been called a 'Cosmic Girl' before but I like it - and yep you're right - I did love the song! Looking forward to seeing you're Chanel spring colours! x

  2. Oh it's so pretty! I really like blue nails

    1. I'm liking blue nails too Gaelle - love the glinty bits too! x

  3. Wow that is a gorgeous colour! ♥

  4. Beautiful colour - so perfect for evening wear with the little bit of sparkle :) and such a good price! x

    1. Thanks Becky - it is perfect for evening! x

  5. What a beautiful nailpolish! The color is really awesome:) Love the sparkling details!

    Hope you visit me on my blog

  6. O0o love this colour! Might have to invest :) Thanks for the post!

    Ellie x
